You may notice that the custom handbag chip-in has been extended by one week. Interest has not been as great as I had expected. It is understandable.
Many of my readers are already big fans of Reece's Rainbow and there are many raffles going on right now by families who will soon be traveling to bring home their new children! You could enter a raffle for a laptop computer, a Visa gift card, and TWO for a Wii, just to name a few. Some folks are just raffled out.
This is really not such a bad problem to have. This month alone, at least 18 new families have made commitments to adopt a child featured on Reece's Rainbow. There have been many homecomings as well. Praise GOD! Many of these children have been waiting for a very long time. Oleg is still waiting.
I've extended the chip-in for another week in the hopes that my friends would spread the word to people who may not know about Reece's Rainbow. Maybe you could skip a super-sized value meal or designer coffee this week and chip-in a 5-spot to a little boy with Down Syndrome who is facing a dismal future?
On a bright note, a sweet friend of mine has given me a check for $40 for Oleg's grant fund. So that would bring the chip-in total up to $115.
Also, exciting news - the Reece's Rainbow Angel Tree Project goes live tomorrow. Starting at midnight tonight the Reece's Rainbow prayer warriors will be praying over each Angel Tree child for the next 24 hours. I'll have more information about Angel Tree Project in the next few days.
My thought for the day (I'm meditating on this) - God does not always call the equipped, but He always equips the called!
5 days ago
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