Occasionally my husband's birthday falls on Mother's Day. Then I whine and complain about having to "share" the day with him. Today was not one of those days, but I still had to share.
Ralph's birthday was a week ago, but due to track meets, business trips and other activities, we were not all around to help him celebrate. Today we celebrated Ralph. Me? Not so much. But I didn't do a lot of whining today. I find it telling that I'm more willing to share the day with my son than with my husband. Hmmm. :)
I used to spend much time and energy crafting fabulous birthday cakes for my children. It was a labor of love. The past few years have been laborious enough and so my cake adventures took a vacation. I really wanted to make something special for Ralphie this year so I dusted off my mad cake skilz and had a blast! I enjoyed modeling with fondant for the first time ever. And, even though I ran out of time and didn't finish the cake to my satisfaction, Ralph LOVED it. That is the only thing that counts.
I was wondering if Ralph would be able to blow out his candles this year. It's a pretty big deal for a child with Down Syndrome to learn how to blow, whether whistles, recorders or candles. Check this out and see how he did...
On tap for next week, more drama. As always, right? My HOMY has shoulder surgery scheduled for tomorrow morning. I'll be traveling next week. Not great timing, huh?
1 week ago
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