Coming home from Ukraine was HARD. Jet lag was ten times worse coming home than going, and I had to hit the ground running. After being gone for 40 days and depending on the kindness of friends and strangers, I found that I wasn't done needing help. I was just done feeling like I had a right to ask for it.
Theodore was hospitalized in Kansas City less than a week after we got home. I had taken him to the Down Syndrome clinic at the recommendation of my poor primary care doc. I felt kinda bad bringing a half dead/dying child into his family practice, but we had to start somewhere. The doc at the DS clinic took one look at Theo, called the nurse to bring oxygen and had him immediately admitted.
I had three other children with me that day, at a hospital three hours from home, with my husband out of town. I was forced to make a very tough decision that day and break a promise. After visiting with Theo twice a day, everyday for weeks and then handing him back over to the people who failed to care for him properly for four long years, my solemn vow to Theo was for me to never leave him ever again. I left him in Kansas City. Three hours away from home. Alone.
The next day, back in Wichita, I called the Kansas City Down Syndrome Guild to see if anyone could visit him in my absence. I don't know who visited and cuddled with him until I could return a few days later. If it was you, and you know who you are, I thank you!
For ten long days Theo was in the hospital in Kansas City. Initially suffering from refeeding syndrome, he continued to lose weight even after his feeds were reintroduced. Finally after some not-so-fun day-long blood tests we had our answer...growth hormone deficiency, likely brought on by severe neglect. I spent the next month attempting to get him started on hormone shots, and finding a way to pay for it!
As we settled in with our new sons and adjusted to the new normal, I found a new passion...I turned my attention toward assisting the other families who would soon be adopting from Yolochka.
1 day ago
Blessings to you and yours as you continue this beautiful journey. We adopted our little one a year ago and it took me 6-8 months to recover. It was stressful to say the least. I know that I will never be the same, thats a good thing. ;)
Thank you Anna! This road is not for sissies, huh?
definitely not! Grace was the carrot God dangled in front of my nose to take me to a hard hard place, filled with many many blessings. I am praying my health will return so that we can be blessed once more. Waiting on His perfect timing.
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