Saturday, May 29, 2010

Greedy, Lazy Me.

I've been a greedy, lazy blogger this week. Reading and reading and not bothering to share anything. Well, I did start to upload some photos a couple of times, but it took to long and I got busy elsewhere.

There is much happening in our family these days. I'm getting ready to say farewell to this son for the summer. He'll be working at a Christian camp on the left coast. I just love the way his hair is all pouffed up when he comes home from running.

Here is our spread from his graduation party last week. We ate too much and had a great day together.

Rose was very proud of the cookie trays that she assembled with great care.

Now that school is out we are fumbling around each day. I'm desperately seeking order, and structure. That is my goal for this next week. Order and structure.
I think it will help to have a loose schedule in place when I leave for Eastern Europe. I want to make it easy for the generous people who will be helping us with child care while we are gone. I'm thinking of stocking up on easy but nutritious meals. I don't want to even think about what they might be eating otherwise!
Coming soon...Ralph in hog-heaven!