Saturday, November 23, 2013

Gotta get back...

I received a message and some photos from Ukraine this morning. So naturally, I'm sobbing already and it isn't even 8am yet!

I didn't get bad news or anything like that. Actually, I got some really happy photos and encouraging news. So why the tears? 

A huge chunk of my heart got left behind over there. What a privilege to have met the dearest and most generous people. I think I'm actually acutely homesick. I.must.get.back.there...time to start planning. I absolutely must go. Project TLC does have a really efficient caregiving program continuing to operate in an invalid home there, but I need to meet with our voluntees and the facility director and teachers personally. 

This time around, I must raise the funds for my mission trip. There is no wiggle room in our budget these days and I cannot take funds away from any of the programs or kids we serve. Also, I am praying to take one of my older boys with me. I cannot think of a better way to develop a young person's heart than serving. 

I have two new home businesses to help earn funds for my orphan care habit. I have an Isagenix business, that presently pays for the products I'm using for me and my family. I encourage you to check out the cleansing products and athletes pack. The ingredients are top notch and you know I'm picky! Join my team for additional discounts and to support my work in Ukraine.

I also have a new essential oil home business. I presently offer DoTerra essential oils.  

Did you know that 60% of people look for natural remedies before they make an appointment with a doctor? I was once sceptical about the effectiveness of essential oils but not anymore! 

Over the summer, Zhen developed a scaly patch on his head. I tried hydrocortisone, dandruff shampoo, but nothing worked. The patch grew bigger and nastier...oozing and squishy. When I brought him to the doctor, she immediately knew that it was a fungal infection. I was warned that it woud be very difficult to treat and the medication would need to be taken religiously for two whole months.

I was really uncomfortable with this medication, but I followed the doctor' orders. At the end of the treatment the lesion was still visible, though greatly improved. I agonized over whether to call in a refill. Then I was invited to an essential oils information session. The timing couldn't have been more perfect.

I started using DoTerra's melelueca oil (tea tree oil!) on Zhen's scalp when I learned that this oil has anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties. Within weeks the patch was invisible. I'm convinced that the oil was less burdensome to his system than the anti-fungal pills he was taking. At the very least, the oil worked in concert with the pharmaceuticals. 

I ordered my own Family Physician oil kit soon after that. I find that I use something from my kit each day. A drop of lemon oil in honey for a cough. A bit of lavender for a bump on the head. I can't wait to order a diffuser to ward off colds and flu this winter with the OnGuard (similar to thieves oil) oil blend! 

With both Isagenix and DoTerra, you can order from my site, or contact me personally for assistance. 

Since my son would like to come to Ukraine with me on mission next year, we have had to figure out a way for him to help earn the funds. We have come up with what we call Max Stax! This is just like the table game known as Jenga, but BIGGER and ten times more fun!

This is the perfect party game! A very unique gift! We are taking local orders for Christmas deliveries right now! Wichita area only. Shipping costs would be prohibitive. :(

Some local school children enjoy Max Stax for indoor recess time!

For $100 you get the 60 block game in a rolling carrying case. You may choose painted or stained blocks for $25 more. Email to order. 

We are really excited about the good things that are happening in Ukraine and cannot wait to get back and deliver love and Good News. Thanks for your support and for even reading this far. I never take you for granted.