Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Thomas

Here's my serious young son, Thomas, who turned 11 yesterday. Happy Birthday Thomas! He had his first orchestra concert tonight. I was prepared for something less than pleasant. But I was surprised and the concert was cute and fun.

For his birthday he'll be running in the Turkey Trot 2 mile run on Saturday. Afterward, he requested eleven candles in a pumpkin pie! How about that? No cake for this boy. Pie all the way!

Here is Ralph loving on Zhen. Ralph has been very affectionate toward his new brothers lately. He's so happy to have someone to boss around. Ruby doesn't seem to think she needs to take orders from him!

Ruby thinks Theo is her personal playmate. I caught her putting him in jail yesterday!

I scolded her and she quickly removed the cage.

Theo had his first taste of water therapy today. We crashed the infant & toddler group that meets at our local YMCA. It was nice to get some input from Ralphie's old physical therapist on the best ways to strengthen him. He loved the water and did lots of splashing. We will definitely be hitting the pool again very soon.


Anonymous said...

Wow! (Apologies Thomas - I come here for the littluns!)

Ralph looks so mature! How wonderful he loves on his younger brothers! How darling - Ruby and Theo! How fantastic - pool exercise! Thanks, Stephanie!