He understands:
Monday, December 19, 2011
Low Expectations
He understands:
Friday, December 16, 2011
Yep, it was a big day.
And guess who was happy to see him?
That's right, Richy is home for Christmas. We've not seen him since May.
And I'm also happy to say that Ralph had a great report today from the cardiologist.
Ralph's pulmonary pressures are near normal after 2 months of being off his medication. YES!! I couldn't have asked for better news at Christmas time.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Big day tomorrow
Life has been proceeding at warp speed around this house. Therapies, homeschooling, muddy puppies, laundry, dishes, doctor appointments, gotta get home (or out of bed) before the bus gets here!

Tomorrow we will find out if Ralph has kicked PH butt or if he'll be back on medication again. It's a big day.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Pondering thankfulness
Monday, November 7, 2011
Sleep Over!
Ralph finally had his sleep study last night!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Fun on All Saint's Day
Miss Rose, looking WAY too grown up for my taste.
Me: You do know who Martin Luther is, right?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Photo catch up...
He's still full of energy. Playing in front of the mirror is his favorite thing.
This is my view in the morning. And at bedtime. All three of them were making poop sounds and laughing! And, do you know anyone who sits Indian-style on the pot like Ralph? So weird.
Here are some leftover photos from our fun day with the McDonald family. This girl is cra-zay about Zhen!
I think this is the best photo we could get of the three Ukrainian boys! ha! At least TJ knows how to ham it up.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Crazy boys
I had so much fun last weekend that I'm still recovering! Here is a small taste of the craziness that I enjoyed while trying to get a nice photo of these three Ukrainian boys:
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Challenge FAIL
I've failed the 31 for 21 challenge. But that's ok with me.
You see, I have stayed up late for years to give this boy his medicine at the proper eight hour intervals. It would be easier, and earlier in the evening, if he didn't go to afternoon preschool. But, it is what it is.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Birthday boy.
I was very busy with my birthday boy tonight. He'll be the first to tell you that he's mommy's boy.Over sweet & sour pork tonight, he told me that he wants to be an animal doctor. This is new!
One thing is not new. Those eyes. What would you do for eyelashes like that? No fair!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Looking back tonight

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Ralph and church.
Gathering with our church family on Sunday morning sets the stage for the week. Without it, I feel a bit disoriented and off kilter. It builds me up, too. So we make it a priority for the whole family.
Monday, October 10, 2011
I'm not feeling so hot tonight. HOMY has offered to stay up and do meds for me, so I'm going to hit the sack.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
I was going to title this post "A Typical Sunday," but upon further reflection, there is no such thing for our family. Instead I will just tell you about today.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Buddy Walk fun!
The event ended too soon due to the arrival of chilly rain while we waited in line for food. Another disappointment is that there were no medals left for our children as they crossed the finish line. I didn't even get photos of that.
On a positive note, we won a gift basket in the raffle and it was delivered to our home by our good friends, the Hendrich's. Hanging out and chatting with them for a few hours was so fun!
October is off to a smashing start!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Meet Bruno.
In keeping with our family's adoption style, he has a minor disability. haha! He's missing almost half a hind paw and a toe on a front paw. He was attacked, along with his puppy brothers and sisters, by an unknown varmint as a wee little baby pup. Could have been a rat, or a tomcat, or who knows.
He's settling in with our family and growing very fast!
I just had to share this photo of Ruby eating beets. This was our afternoon snack. She's so open minded about trying new foods, especially when the other children are away at school. There was no one around to make disgusting faces and noises when I opened up the can of beets!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
The unexpected.
Parents of babies and children, and adults too, I suppose, with Down Syndrome are typically very deeply in love with their children. It is not more, certainly not less, but different somehow than the love I feel for my other children. It's a kind of "us against the world" type of love that knits two hearts tightly together.
This boy in the stroller, my precious Theo, started Kindergarten last Tuesday. He is in a life skills program at a small school in a neighboring town, but joins a regular ed Kindergarten class for classes like phys ed, music and library.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Beauty shop
Look who is all ready to go to school! One problem...she's only two! Oh well, we'll just start her out at home.
Look who finally has enough hair for pigtails!
If you only knew how difficult it is to get her to allow me to even comb her fuzzy, curly hair! We play a game called Beauty Shop. She sits on the bathroom counter top where she can see in the mirror, with her toes in the sink, with the water running slowly. I carefully pick out the knots while the water distracts her.
Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. She is strong willed.
She loves to do school. But is she right handed?Or left handed?
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
How typical is that?
When Ralphie was a baby I wondered what it was like to have a child with Down Syndrome. I mean, really, he was a baby. He was just like all the other 7 babies I had previously cared for. I was so curious what life would look like when he was older.
Monday, October 3, 2011
New school for Theo
I never have cried when my children go to Kindergarten. I never got in the car and raced the bus to school to get their photo stepping off the bus for the first time. Just not my style.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
He started it.
I never imagined that I would have a child with Down Syndrome.

Because of Ralph, I did loads on internet research on Down Syndrome. In the process, I found that children with DS are still routinely placed in institutions in many countries in the world. In the process, I found Theo and then Zhen, two orphaned (rejected by their parents at birth) children with DS from Ukraine. They are now a part of my family. In the process I met some more incredible people and darling orphan children.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
I'm Baaaaack!
If you want to join this blogging for DS awareness challenge, visit HERE and sign up. If you have any questions for me, leave a comment. Happy October!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011
Sweet 16
He asked for an ice cream cake this year. Not my best decorating effort, but still, it's butter and sugar so who cares?
Theo tore into his cake. He can't just sit and wait for a bite. He meets you halfway or more if you are too slow.

Grandma C came over and a few cousins, too.
I did learn one thing yesterday, don't try to make the whole ice cream cake in one day. It needed more freezer time. Overnight would have been ideal.
Ruby in her typical pose, fingers in mouth and belly button.
Zhen actually keeping his glasses on! I've not been forcing the issue with the glasses, but I need to. The eye that had the cataract is still not developing correctly.