Both little boys are creations of a loving God, made in His image to accomplish His purpose. Both boys have Down Syndrome. Both of these little boys have dreams and potential. Both of these little boys have captured my heart.
One little boy lives in a wealthy country with opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities, one does not. One little boy has access to quality medical care and adequate nutrition, one does not. One little boy has a loving mommy and daddy, one does not. One little boy almost 18 months old, one is nearly 4! The one is a bit small for his age, one appears to be quite tiny.
One little boy is about to be shut away in a mental institution for the rest of his life.
Will you join me in praying for Oleg and the countless children like him all over the world, children facing a dark and uncertain future? Will you consider whether God is leading you to adopt one of His children and rescue them from that dark future?
Not everyone is led to adopt, but will you consider supporting someone who is? There are many families in the process of raising money to rescue a child like Oleg. Visit http://www.reecesrainbow.com/ to find out more. Chip in for Oleg, if you can. If you cannot, do something even better, pray - and God bless you.
wow, that just teared me up. A mental institution? thats just terrible.
wow, that is so very sad. I can't imagine locking up a child :(
that was the best non-wordless Wednesday. So sad. Thanks for the link.
Thanking for sharing. I do hope Oleg finds a nice home with loving parents.
Very sad! He has my prayers!
And the things I complain about....
What a poignant contrast. Thank you for sharing. It's hard to imagine the injustices of this world. Thank you for helping to bring them to light.
wow, this post gave me chills! I could not imagine a baby going to a mental institution, just awful! My prayers go out to those two boys!!!
Let me add this - As sad as it is that Oleg will be sent to a mental institution if a family does not step up to adopt him, it is terrible and sad that 90% of babies prenatally diagnosed with Down Syndrome in the USA will be destroyed before birth, aborted. Yes, I want to shed light on injustice, but I want more. I want to change the world for the better! Are you with me?
Thank you for the touching post. I hope Oleg and other children in his situation find the help they desparately need.
Thank you for reminding us of the need to support, to educate, to inform. All I can offer today are prayers - and prayers there shall be.
Well I shall go along and take a look. Thanks for this sobering reminder.
best wishes
I can't imagine the things some little ones must go through. They are both in our thoughts.
Thanks for this wonderful post!
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